Sparks flowing as a certified oil and gas crew member welds a green pipe on a worksite

Frequently asked questions

How do you coordinate schedules if crew members are coming in from out of town?

Time is money, as they say. We develop schedules that minimize travel costs for your crew.

How long does the certification last?

It depends on the type of evaluation completed, but typically it is valid for three years. This way, your employees are authorized for the long term.

Does the OQ stay with the compliance company or with the crew member?

It depends on the contractor service agreement. We can help you understand the specific requirements for your project.

Which compliance companies do you currently work with?

STOQ works directly with the following compliance companies:

  • Veriforce
  • ENERGY worldnet

We can also have the OQ put into ISNetworld.

What are your rates?

Our rates will depend on your compliance and safety requirements. Please contact us to discuss your needs today.

Do I get to keep a copy of the OQ?

No. The OQ remains with the compliance company. If your crew is required to carry safety certification cards, we will provide them.

How long does the OQ take?

It depends on the type of evaluation and a number of other factors. Typically, we receive paperwork from the compliance company within 2 business days of completion.

My project is starting soon. How soon can you be here?

We can be at your onsite location or facility within 72 hours of you accepting an estimate.

Can you travel to our location?

Yes. STOQ has a team of mobile OQ evaluators and trainers that are certified to enter your facility or onsite location nationwide and in Canada.

Have additional questions? If you don’t see your question here, don’t hesitate to reach out.